Companies requiring verification services

The purpose of technology verification is to provide a credible and impartial account of the actual performance of a technology.


Independent technology verification is based on a number of principles to ensure that verifications are performed and reported accurately, clearly, unambiguously and objectively.

  • Factual approach – Verification statements are based on factual and relevant evidence collected through an objective confirmation of the performance of a technology.
  • Sustainability – Technology performance verification is intended to support sustainability, by providing credible information on technology performance.
  • Transparency and credibility – Technology verification is based on reliable test results and robust procedures. The process is facilitated such that, to the greatest extent feasible, methods and data are fully disclosed and reports are clear, complete, objective and useful to the interested parties.
  • Flexibility – Technology verification allows for flexibility in the specification of performance parameters and test methods. This is achieved through dialogue among the applicant, verifier and interested parties to maximize utility of environmental technology verification.

ISO 14034

When verifying performance of environmental technologies, the requirements of ISO 14034 are applied and demonstrated.

Basic Procedure:

1. Application

1.1 Administrative review

1.2 Technical review

1.3 Feedback to Applicant

Acceptance or rejection of application communicated to the applicant with justification.

2. Pre-verification

2.1 Specification of performance to be verified

2.2 Verification plan

3. Verification

3.1 Acceptance of existing test data

3.2 Generation of additional test data

3.3 Confirmation of performance

4. Reporting

4.1 Verification report

4.2 Verification statement

5. Post-verification

5.1 Publication

5.2 Ongoing validity of verification report/verification statement

How Performance Measurement and Verification functions